Asian Breeze
The “Asian Breeze” is a newsletter published in English and Japanese by Kitakyushu Forum on Asian Women/KFAW. It covers a wide range of up-to-date topics such as gender equality, empowerment of all of women and girls, SDGs and environmental issues and so on, allowing you to see 'Asian women today'. We hope you will enjoy reading it.
Asian Breeze No.47
- WOMEN TODAY ―The “Asian Country” must include a greater role for women
― by Mr. Haruhiko KURODA, President, Asian Development Bank
- CURRENT ISSUES SERIES―”The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake (Part 2)―Health and the Prevention of Domestic / Sexual Violence”
- Kitakyushu Residents’ Environmental Forum
- Participating in the 50th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW)
No. 47 July 2006
Asian Breeze No.46
- WOMEN TODAY ―”On the Formulation of the second Basic Plan for Gender Equality”
― by Ms. Haniwa NATORI, Director General, Gender Equality Bureau, CABINET OFFICE
- CURRENT ISSUES SERIES―”The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake (Part 1)―Disasters Serious Impacys on Women”
- The 16th Kitakyushu Conference on Asian Women (KCAW)―”Women Who Have Made History”
- Foreign Correspondents’ Reports “Human Rights and Women”
No. 46 March 2006