News & Topics
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The lecturer realized his own perpetration after his wife took shelter and started an organization to support people suffering from domestic violence and the perpetrators.
How did he change?
He will share their experience as a couple.
Mr. NAKAGAWA Taku (“FFP”, Japanese NPO)
Ms. NAKAGAWA Aiko (“FFP”, Japanese NPO)
Friday 10 November, 2023 13:30-15:30 (JST)
* Please make sure your country time
Simultaneous interpretation in English
Free Registration
Zoom Webinar (200 participants max.)

Scan to access the registration form
Register online
Deadline: Nov. 2 (Thu.)
◆Zoom Webinar
・Download the Zoom app as necessary
・Simultaneous interpretation in English/Japanese
・The Japanese summary transcription is available to watch.
・A link to access the webinar will be emailed by Nov. 8.
◆Live screening at MOVE
・Available in Japanese only
・The Japanese summary transcription is available to watch.
Organized by Kitakyushu Municipal Gender Equality Center “MOVE” & Kitakyushu Forum on Asian Women (KFAW)
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From November 28, 2022 to November 29, 2022 at 9:30 a.m., there was a problem with the contact form on our website.
We have confirmed that the problem has been resolved and the form is now working properly.
We deeply apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
We will make every effort to prevent the recurrence of such a problem in the future.
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We created a video presenting the history of KFAW from its inception until today.
Please take a look!
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The recorded video of “Let’s travel to a world with feminists” ~Featuring SDGs~ held on September 30, 2022 is now available on our YouTube Channel. Enjoy streaming here.
【Bhutan English archive video】
【Malawi English archive video】
【Moldova English archive video】
【Fiji English archive video】
Copyright: Kitakyushu Forum on Asian Women
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“Let’s travel to a world with feminists” ~Featuring SDGs~
(Simultaneous interpretation in English / Japanese is provided)
KFAW will be hosting an online tour and we will visit Bhutan, Malawi, Moldova and Fiji on this event.
Eight speakers from four countries will participate.
These central themes will be achievements and challenges to SDG 5 targets.
2023 is a mid-point for the 2030 SDGs goals, so let’s learn about each country’s effort to targets.
We are looking forward to meeting you all there.
- Date / Time: Friday, September 30, 2022 / 2:00p.m. – 4:30 p.m. (JST/GMT+9)
*Please make sure your time.
- Location: ・ONLINE / Zoom
・Viewing at the venue(the Kitakyushu Municipal
Gender Equality Center‘MOVE’ 5F) *ONLY Japanese Language

- Program(tentative)
- Capacity:
・Zoom Webinar: max. 500 participants
・Viewing at the venue: max. 50 participants
- Fee: Free
- Registration deadline :September 27, 2022

Scan or click to access the registration form
Or go to URL
Please address any inquiries to:
- Online streaming via Zoom
*You need to download Zoom App.
*A link to access the online event will be emailed by Thu. 29-Sep.
Please address any inquiries to:
- Viewing at the venue (*ONLY Japanese Language)
Those who choose the viewing at the venue, please come to Kitakyushu Municipal Gender Equality Center Move on the 5th floor on September 30 (Fri.). You can watch the online video streaming at the venue.
- Contact Information
Kitakyushu Forum on Asian Women
International Exchange Division